Arrupe Social Justice Scholars
Do you have a strong commitment to issues of social justice?
The Arrupe Social Justice Scholars program will help you develop the skills to be an effective agent for positive social change in a world that needs you.
During your time in the program, you will enhance your understanding of social inequality and learn how to effectively advocate for positive change in the world.
Academic Coursework
- You will complete the Peace, Justice, and Human Rights minor.
- You will complete 18 credits of Arrupe-designated coursework, nine of which also satisfy University Core Requirements.
- Arrupe courses include: Introduction to Social Action, Issues in Social Justice, Social Justice Research, and Advocacy & Action.
- As an Arrupe Scholar you’ll participate in retreats, fundraisers, plan student-lead conferences, and engage in an advocacy project.
Each year, up to 30 first-year students are selected to be Arrupe Scholars.

Honors Program
Do you love to learn? Do you think creatively and outside of the box?
Our Mission: The Honors Program cultivates a community whose members model academic curiosity for students at John Carroll University. We are looking for students eager to go all in on the academic experience in the Jesuit tradition, one pillar of which is that all areas of knowledge are interconnected. We’re looking for Accountancy majors eager to take courses in Philosophy, Philosophy majors interested in Political Science, and Biology majors into Peace, Justice and Human Rights. If you are someone for whom learning is a passion -- a lifelong experience that will not end when you earn your diploma -- the JCU Honors Program might be for you. We want our graduates to lead and serve in the world by sharing their intellectual gifts and love for learning with others.
Honors Program courses differ from non-honors courses. They are designed to be more engaging (but not more difficult), more seminar-style and interactive, and smaller in size than a typical section.
Typically, incoming Honors students will have strong academic records, solid writing skills, and a commitment to engaging in cultural and service activities. But more important than anything is an interest in learning for its own sake, a curiosity about fields outside one’s major, and a wish to model those traits for the JCU community.
Academic Coursework
- Students complete 25 credits of honors-designated coursework.
- 22 of those credits fulfill University core requirements (in other words, it’s not extra).
- 3 credits include honors-specific courses: Explorations in Research (1-credit) and Directed Readings (2-credits).

Leadership Scholars Program
Are you interested in building your leadership capacity and helping to build the leadership capacity of those around you?
Are you interested in developing as a leader that seeks to become an agent for meaningful change with or without a formal title?
While some students might have held formal leadership positions in high school, this program is designed for students who are interested in further developing their leadership knowledge and skills by applying what they have learned from past experiences to solving problems both on the JCU campus and beyond.
Academic Coursework
- You will complete the Leadership Development Minor.
- You will complete a Leadership Formation Program, meet with a Leadership Coach, serve as a Streak Week Assistance Team leader for incoming students, and assist with planning a leadership conference for high school students.
Each year, up to 30 first-year students are selected to be Leadership Scholars.