Which program is right for you?

Combine academic study at JCU with Clinical Pastoral Education training at the Cleveland Clinic

Become a Certified Lay Ecclesial Minister in the Diocese of Cleveland.

Earn your Religion Certification with courses designed around the high school curriculum

Prepare for further graduate work in Theology & Religious Studies.

Catholic Commitment
Our Jesuit, Catholic Mission inspires programs that serve the Catholic community of Cleveland and beyond.

Interreligious Engagement
Endowed Chairs in Jewish Studies, Islamic Studies, and Interreligious Studies support a religiously diverse slate of courses and programs.
Meet Our Faculty
The Department of Theology & Religious Studies houses six full-time teacher-scholars and several part-time faculty members who bring particular expertise to the courses they teach. Strengths include Bible and early Christianity, Rabbinic Judaism, Catholic Theology and Ethics, Islam, and American Religion.