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Please note that Mass times change occasionally based on the academic schedule and other events on campus. A basic guideline is that there are no Masses on campus when the university is not in session. Check the weekly eBulletin and follow our social media for updates.

St. Francis Chapel at John Carroll University: Sundays at 9pm.

Church of the Gesu also offers Masses at 4:30pm on Saturdays and 9am and 11am on Sundays. Visit their website for the most up-to-date schedule.

Daily Mass: 

Daily Mass is held during the academic year on campus Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 12:05pm in Saint Francis Chapel and Tuesday and Thursday at 12:05pm in Rodman Chapel.

Parking: If you are attending John Carroll for daily Mass, please enter the campus through the Carroll Gate (near Dolan Science Center) and ask the parking guard for a visitor’s pass for Mass.

Murphy Mass:

Our weekly Murphy Masses feature post-communion reflections from our Graduate Assistants, Resident Ministers, and others from our community in lieu of a traditional homily. These are held at 9:30pm on Wednesdays in Saint Francis Chapel.

Church of the Gesu also offers a daily Mass at 7:30am. Visit their website for the most up-to-date schedule.

Campus Ministry offers several opportunities for student involvement in the liturgy as student ministers. Some examples include:

  • Eucharistic Ministers (Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion)
  • Lectors (includes Readers of Petitions)
  • Sacristans/Mass Coordinators
  • Liturgy Committee Members
  • Altar Servers

Eucharistic Ministers must be confirmed members of the Roman Catholic or Byzantine Church (or other Catholic Church in communion with Rome).

Lectors include those who read the petitions at Mass. Readers must be baptized Christians.

If you are interested in pursuing any of these ministry opportunities sign up below or contact Kathleen Sardon, coordinator of liturgy, or by phone at 216.397.4766.

Please sign up to assist at our JCU liturgies. You will be contacted about training.