Search and apply to jobs posted by employers looking specifically for JCU students and alumni, view Career Events, and search for employers of interest.

Career Wear Closet and Fund
The Career Wear Closet and Fund provides students with professional clothing and funding to purchase professional clothing at no cost.
Online Career Resources

TeamWork Online
Search for sports jobs from hundreds of your favorite sports teams and event employment pages hosted by TeamWork Online.
Register for a free account and learn how to receive discounted MVP access.

Ohio Means Jobs
Search jobs. Get started. Ohio Means Jobs can help guide your career search.

What Can I Do With This Major?
Whether you are exploring multiple majors or searching for information about your chosen field, connect majors to careers using this resource.
Please note that this link can only be accessed from on campus.

Research specific countries for information regarding: job search resources, work permits/visas, resumes/CV guidelines, cultural advice, employment trends, interviewing, global networking, and more on GoinGlobal.

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