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The Curtis W. Miles Faculty Award for Community Service recognizes faculty members who share their expertise with community groups and non-profit agencies. The Faculty Committee on Research, Service, and Faculty Development solicit nominations from JCU faculty, staff, administrators, and students and recommends candidates with support from the Center for Service-Learning and Social Action.

The award is a $1,000 cash award given to a full-time teaching or library faculty member who has made a significant contribution to the broader Cleveland community consistent with the University’s mission and goals. The award is presented during John Carroll University’s Ignatian Heritage Week in recognition of the role of service in the University’s mission.

Curtis W. Miles, a retired pharmaceutical salesperson, endowed the first faculty community service award in 1992 to encourage and recognize faculty members who reach out to the community and offer their skills and talents to agencies and community partners who need it most. Miles died February 15, 1994.

Nominate a Faculty Member for the 2025 Curtis W. Miles Faculty Award.

For more information about the award, contact Debby Rosenthal at