There are numerous benefits for organizations that partner with university-based service and community-based learning programs:
- Engagement with students provides communities with an opportunity to shape students’ values and to prepare them for civic participation and engagement after graduation.
- Organizations have the opportunity to mentor and develop potential leaders of nonprofit organizations.
- University cooperation can support a community’s efforts to address social issues and problems by helping to build capacity and provide resources.
- Student volunteers are able to meet specific or on-going needs of organizations and help complete projects for community benefit.
- Involvement in the life of a university can raise awareness about a community partners’ work and services among students, faculty and staff, and the larger university community.
- Experiential education programs help partners establish access to other resources available at the university and can foster relationships with other partner organizations.
By partnering with the Center for Service-Learning and Social Action at John Carroll University, community organizations can also benefit our JCU students through enhancing students’ academic learning with “real world” experiences, deepening their sense of civic engagement and community identity, expanding their cultural awareness and appreciation, and cultivating important critical-thinking skills.
CSSA has provided below a listing of resources to help community partners stay informed and connected:
CSSA currently partners with more than 75 nonprofit organizations, including schools, hospitals, assisted living facilities, faith-based institutions, social service programs, and neighborhood outreach centers. Our diverse range of partnerships allows students to serve in such areas of interest as the following. We’ve also mapped our partners to demonstrate visually our commitment to the city. Current partners are listed by volunteer type.
Volunteer Type: Elementary Schools
- Carroll Reads Program
- Gearity Professional Development School
- Marion Sterling Elementary School
- Noble Elementary School
- Shoreview Elementary School
- St. Francis School
- St. Thomas Aquinas School
- The Intergenerational School
- Thomas Jefferson International Newcomers Academy
- Warner Girls Leadership Academy
Volunteer Type: Middle Schools
- Roxboro Middle School
- St. Thomas Aquinas School
- Thomas Jefferson International Newcomers Academy
- Warner Girls Leadership Academy
Volunteer Type: High Schools
- Cleveland Heights-University Heights High School Options Program
- Cleveland Heights High School
- St. Martin de Porres High School
- Thomas Jefferson International Newcomers Academy
Volunteer Type: Populations in Crisis: Homelessness, Hunger, and Domestic Violence
- Domestic Violence and Child Advocacy Center
- Family Promise of Greater Cleveland
- Greater Cleveland Food Bank
- Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Men’s Shelter
- Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Social Enterprise and Job Training
- Renee Jones Empowerment Center
Volunteer Type: Individuals with Disabilities
- L’Arche Community Cleveland
- Mayfield Village Adaptive Recreation
- Julie Billiart School
- Rose-Mary Center
- Yoga Reach
- YouthAbility
Volunteer Type: Youth Programming
- Boys & Girls Club of Cleveland
- Boys Hope Girls Hope
- Building Hope in the City
- Cuyahoga County Public Library
- Fairfax Renaissance Development Corporation
- Famicos Foundation
- Fatima Family Center
- Hope Alliance Bible Church
- Jewish Federation of Cleveland
- Junior Achievement of Greater Cleveland
- Lake Erie Ink
- Saturday Tutoring at Church of the Covenant
- St Agnes Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church
- US Together Inc.
Volunteer Type: Detention Facilities
- Cuyahoga County Juvenile Detention Center
- Cuyahoga Hills Juvenile Correctional Facility
- Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Chopping for Change
- Northeast Reintegration Center
Volunteer Type: Employment Readiness
- Catholic Charities Migration and Refugee Services
- Edwin’s Leadership & Restaurant Institute
- Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Social Enterprise and Job Training
- Towards Employment Bloom Bakery
Volunteer Type: Older Adults
- Eliza Bryant Village
- Fatima Family Center
- Famicos Foundation
- Jennings Center for Older Adults
- Malachi House
- Montefiore
Volunteer Type: Health and Wellness
- Cleveland Clinic Langston Hughes Community Education Center
- Cleveland Clinic South Pointe Hospital
- Cleveland Clinic Stephanie Tubbs Jones Health Center
- Cleveland Sight Center
- Famicos Foundation
- Jennings Center for Older Adults
- Joseph’s Home
- MedWish International
- Malachi House
- Medworks
- MetroHealth
- Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital
- Ronald McDonald House of Cleveland
- St. Vincent Charity Medical Center
- University Hospitals Ahuja Medical Center
- University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
- University Hospitals Rainbow Center for Women and Children
Volunteer Type: Refugee Population
- US Together Inc.
- Catholic Charities Migration and Refugee Services
- Noble Elementary School
- Thomas Jefferson International Newcomers Academy
Volunteer Type: Other
- East 95th Street Garden
- Evergreen Cooperatives
The Center for Service and Social Action partners with nonprofit organizations whose mission correlates with that of CSSA and John Carroll University.
The Center for Service-Learning and Social Action seeks to educate for justice by offering opportunities for learning through service. Growing from a rich Catholic intellectual tradition, we promote service that inspires a deeper commitment to those most in need. The Center connects the campus with the local, national, and international communities through sustained partnerships that enable John Carroll community members to become ‘men and women for and with others.
Although CSSA will strive to work with an organization in ways that are most beneficial and effective for that organization, CSSA most typically collaborates with community partners in one of three ways:
- Sustained Direct-Service Model – JCU students visit the partner site on a weekly basis throughout the semester and engage in service activities in which they directly work with a partner’s clients or constituents.
- Community-Based Research Model – JCU students offer their time and skills through a service-learning course by providing qualitative research, statistical analyses, or quantitative data collection on a topic chosen by the partner, or by completing a project, i.e. website development, online volunteer management system, community garden creation, marketing strategies.
- One Time Project-Based Model – Groups of JCU students dedicate between two and four hours of support to a community partner in a one-time service activity, i.e. fall clean-up day, holiday dance, hot meal distribution, playground build, or any other service project in which students are able to interact and work alongside partner staff and constituents.
Community organizations seeking to partner with CSSA are encouraged to give thought to the following considerations:
- Would a partnership with CSSA fit well with the mission of our organization?
- How might this partnership build on our strengths and help fill our needs?
- What are the potential benefits for our community? What would we hope to “get out” of this?
- Which service model(s) would work best for my organization? What projects or programs might best use support?
- What might JCU students learn from this experience?
- What staff person would be able to handle the logistical details of this partnership, such as supervision, conducting trainings/orientation, serving as the “point person”, completing times sheets/online service records, etc.?
- What types of support would our organization need from CSSA, such as running background checks/TB tests, managing reference forms, etc.?
If interested in partnering with CSSA, please contact

The Community Partner Annual Meeting
Learn about and register for the 2021 Community Partner Annual Meeting on Wednesday, August 11, 2021, from 8:30 - 11:30 am. Registration required for this in-person meeting.