Candidates should familiarize themselves with Appendix J of the Faculty Handbook and consult with their tenure committee regarding the materials required for the annual evaluation. The annual tenure review process includes the candidate, the departmental tenure and promotion committee, and the dean of the candidate’s college. Materials are submitted by the candidate as requested by the departmental committee, and the review follows the process outlined in Appendix J.

andidates should familiarize themselves with Appendix J of the Faculty Handbook and consult with their tenure committee regarding the midterm evaluation process. The midterm review process includes the candidate, the departmental tenure and promotion committee, the dean of the candidate’s college, the University Tenure & Promotion Committee (for candidates hired in Fall 2021 or later), and the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Materials are submitted by the candidate, committee, dean, and VPAA via Canvas, and the review follows the process outlined in Appendix J.
- Candidates hired prior to Fall 2021 and are not following the UTPC pathway should use this timeline and form when submitting their midterm tenure review materials.
- Candidates hired Fall 2021 or later should use this timeline and form when submitting their midterm tenure review materials.
- Typically, candidates will use the spring semester dates for submitting their midterm review materials. The fall semester dates are only for those tenure-track candidates hired mid-year (and thus are off-cycle).

Candidates should familiarize themselves with Appendices J and K of the Faculty Handbook and consult with their tenure committee regarding the tenure and promotion processes. These processes include the candidate, the departmental tenure and promotion committee, the dean of the candidate’s college, the University Tenure & Promotion Committee (for candidates hired in Fall 2021 or later), and the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Materials are submitted by the candidate, committee, dean, and VPAA via Canvas, and the review follows the processes outlined in Appendices J and K.
- Candidates hired prior to Fall 2021 and are not following the UTPC pathway should use this timeline and form when submitting their tenure review materials.
- Candidates hired Fall 2021 or later should use this timeline and form when submitting their tenure review materials.
- Typically, tenure and promotion candidates will use the fall semester dates in the timelines. The spring semester dates are only for those candidates hired mid-year (and thus are off-cycle).

Promotion to Full Professor is a prestigious recognition of a faculty member's sustained outstanding accomplishment in teaching, research, and service. It signifies a high level of achievement and leadership in one's field. This process is designed to thoroughly evaluate the contributions and impact of associate professors seeking advancement to the rank of full professor.
Candidates should familiarize themselves with Appendices J and K of the Faculty Handbook and consult with their departmental promotion committee regarding the promotion process. This process includes the candidate, the departmental promotion committee, the dean of the candidate’s college, the University Tenure & Promotion Committee , and the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Materials are submitted by the candidate, committee, dean, and VPAA via Canvas, and the review follows the processes outlined in Appendices J and K.
- Candidates should use this timeline and form when submitting their promotion review materials. The Department Tenure & Promotion Committee Chair, Dean, and University Tenure & Promotion committee Chair each signs and dates this form twice--first, when the dossier is received, and second, when the recommendation is completed.
- Candidates for promotion to full professor submit their materials during the fall semester.

Candidates should keep in mind the following points regarding dossier submission for the midterm and tenure review steps:
- Dossiers are submitted electronically via Canvas. All faculty officially scheduled to apply for their midterm or tenure evaluation will automatically be enrolled in a section unique to them. Those applying for an early tenure decision or promotion to full professor must inform the Office of Academic Affairs prior to the beginning of the fall semester of their intention to apply in order to obtain a Canvas course.
- In addition to the electronic dossier, each applicant must provide a paper copy of all materials from Module 1 (but not Module 2) to the Office of Academic Affairs. These materials will be included in their faculty file. These materials should be placed in a binder, which is available from the Office of Academic Affairs.
- To ensure timely access to the dossier, participants must notify the Office of Academic Affairs when they have completed their step in the process (e.g., applicant, department committee, dean, UTPC).
- Font size for all dossier materials should be at least 12 pt font.
- Electronic dossiers are split into multiple modules.
- Module 1: Part One of the Applicant Dossier, including:
- Application (midterm, tenure, promotion);
- Table of contents;
- Candidate’s summary statement: executive summary plus separate sections on teaching effectiveness, research/scholarship, and service; no more than 10-12 pages;
- Curriculum vitae: tenure candidates should highlight publications and scholarly presentations since the midterm review; promotion candidates should highlight publications and scholarly presentations since the last promotion review;
- Copy of approved departmental tenure policy and/or promotion policy;
- Copies of all annual reviews of progress towards tenure (for tenure candidates);
- Teaching load summary, including numbers of students for the current semester and at least five preceding semesters;
- Summary of advising activity;
- Module 2: Part Two of the Applicant Dossier, including:
- Supporting documentation for teaching effectiveness, service, research and scholarship. Evidence must include books, published articles, reviews, syllabi, and teaching evaluations.
- For the tenure review, include all evidence of teaching, research and scholarship, and service since the midterm evaluation.
- For promotion dossiers, include all evidence of teaching, research and scholarship, and service since the last promotion evaluation.
- Module 3: Recommendation from the Department Tenure/Promotion Committee
- This document should be added to the electronic and paper versions.
- Letters from external evaluators should be added to this module.
- Module 4: Recommendation from Dean
- This document should be added to the electronic and paper versions.
- Module 5: Recommendation from University Tenure and Promotion Committee
- This document should be added to the electronic and paper versions.
- Module 6: Notification from Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Module 7: Application for Tenure/Promotion (with all signatures)
- Module 1: Part One of the Applicant Dossier, including:
- Accountancy
- Biology
- Chemistry Chemistry Promotion to Professor
- Classical and Modern Languages and Cultures
- Communication and Theatre
- Counseling
- Economics and Finance
- Education
- English
- Exercise Science and Sports Leadership
- History
- Management, Marketing and Supply Chain
- Mathematics and Computer Science
- Nursing
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science Political Science Promotion to Professor
- Psychology
- Sociology and Criminology
- Theology and Religious Studies
- Grasselli Library & Breen Learning Center