A professional development and networking group specifically geared to female professionals in the Northeast Ohio area. – JCU WMN: Women’s Mentoring and Networking.
JCU WMN is designed to connect alumnae to networking, mentoring and business development opportunities.
To get involved and attend an upcoming event check out the Alumni Event Calendar.
What is G.O.L.D.?
Simple – the Young Alumni group at JCU.
It includes alums in classes from 2014-2024.
If you’ve graduated in the last 10 years, you’re automatically in the organization!
There are special G.O.L.D. events, discounts, career networking and mentoring opportunities, as well as access to the amazing JCU Alumni network of over 40,000 Carroll alums, all around the world.
The Gold Streaks are an unique and important group of alumni who graduated from the University 50 or more years ago. This group is an important part of the history, legacy, and tradition of the University. New members are welcomed each May at commencement and are celebrated each year at reunion. This May, the class of 1963 will join this celebrated affinity group.
A small gathering of alumni, graduates of the ’30s and ’40s (mostly day hops or commuters at the time), first started to meet monthly for lunch, off-campus, more than 20 years ago. They decided to meet socially for lunch to celebrate their common college experiences. They considered themselves Men of the Company – that company was JCU. The chaplain for the group was Fr. Howard J. Kerner, S.J., a notable history professor who fit naturally with the group. Then director of alumni relations, Peter Bernardo ’67, G’72, attended the luncheons and encouraged the group to bring their gatherings back to campus.
In the early ’90s, the group decided to determine a name for this group of engaged alumni. At that time, the Golden Buckeye Card was well known to alumni in Ohio. The term “golden-ager” was popular and, in general, everything that was old was given a golden moniker. The group that made up the bulk of the membership disliked the use of golden for anything with which they were associated. They were Blue Streaks but, over time, had gone gray. Thus, the name Gray Streaks was adopted. The name stuck and was popular with the group until a few years ago.
With the changing membership, and a few notes of complaint about being referred to by the color of their hair, in celebration of the 125th Anniversary of John Carroll, this esteemed group of alumni, including recipients of the Alumni Medal, class columnists, alumni in admissions volunteers, consecutive donors, and past presidents of the Alumni Association, will be known as John Carroll Gold Streaks. The current membership in attendance at the luncheons spans class years from 1936 (Larry Kelley) to 1964. For more information, e-mail alumni@jcu.edu.
Are you a JCU alum married to another JCU alum? Then you are a Carroll Couple! Fall in love all over again with each other and the University that continues to bring you together.
View stories and more information about our Carroll Couples.
Fill out the form below to make sure we have your correct information and please forward this along to your #CarrollCouples friends.
Here you can find the form.
The John Carroll University Football Gridiron Club (formerly the Captains Club) was established in 2012 and is dedicated to celebrating the program, its sons and rich history. The Club is headed up by those men who were chosen by their teammates to lead years ago – the team captains or former players willing to take on this leadership post today and into the future. The focus of the group is social, historical and of general support for the Blue Streak football program.
We invite the team captain(s) or interested members of each senior football class to serve as the point of contact for his group of seniors. The JCU Office of Alumni Relations and the coaching staff provides assistance with outreach, making it easier to connect with former teammates through the years. Gridiron Club leaders have the option of creating their own newsletters, Facebook pages or general email threads while the alumni relations website offers a homepage with player listings, iconic archived photos and updates. The hope is that former players will rekindle their ties and interest with the program and the University, that this contact would be regular, natural, and mainly about participation and engagement. This initiative provides an opportunity to build an organization that will live on, one where no one will be forgotten, one in which history will be preserved and one on which the coaching staff can rely for assistance and support.
Please join your former coaches and the many former captains and team representatives already involved.
Contact Dave Vitatoe ’00, Executive Director of Alumni Relations and football alumnus, at dvitatoe@jcu.edu or 216.397.1984 if you would like to become involved with the Gridiron Club or connect with your former teammates.
Bill O’Brien ’81 (Captain of the 1980 Blue Streaks) wtob59@sbcglobal.net
Photo Gallery
Blue Streaks Football
Past Seasons
Athletic Hall of Fame
Iota Chi Upsilon (IXY) fraternity and members were dedicated to instill, foster, promulgate and perpetuate a spirit of loyalty, appreciation and support within the student body of John Carroll University and all such other persons and activities which will affect the success of the various departments of John Carroll University. Learn more.

The Shula Society was established to honor John Carroll University alumni who are affiliated with the National Football League. All alumni who are employed by a NFL team are members of the society, regardless of their position within their given organization. The Society honors Coach Don Shula, a member of the JCU Class of 1951, and the winningest coach in NFL History, with 347 total victories and two Super Bowl championships.