Included in the purpose is the promotion of the internal brotherhood of Iota Chi Upsilon. The bonds of brotherhood united the fraternity as students and continued forever as alumni.
Service As Students
Iota Chi Upsilon fraternity and members were dedicated to instill, foster, promulgate and perpetuate a spirit of loyalty, appreciation and support within the student body of John Carroll University and all such other persons and activities which will affect the success of the various departments of John Carroll University.
The fraternity’s charter included giving campus tours to prospective students, hosting Homecoming activities, publicizing all student activities and representing the University in Cleveland St. Patrick’s Day parade and float competition. Our Booster heritage promoted leadership and school spirit in all aspects of campus life.
Service As Alumni
IXY alumni continue to serve John Carroll University – as University Board members , Alumni Board Presidents and every alumni leadership opportunity.
Board Service
IXY’s who are serving/have served as John Carroll University Board members:
John Dempsey '84 Bob Hager ’84 John Mastrantoni '80 Dave O’Brien ’72 Dave Short ’81 Dennis Winchester ’70 Jack Winchester ’67 Jim Winchester ’65
The Iota Chi Upsilon (IXY) Scholarship was established in 1984 to benefit undergraduate students in good academic standing at John Carroll University.
Iota Chi Upsilon Alumni Scholarship Fund Mission Statement:
1. To recruit, enroll and support students for a successful experience at John Carroll University as I-Chi Scholars.
2. To establish a clearly defined process to sustain the operations of the Iota Chi Upsilon Alumni Scholarship for all future generations.
3. To inform and engage the Iota Chi Upsilon Alumni Brotherhood on all matters related to our shared Scholarship.
At its inception, recipients were to be blood relatives of Iota Chi Upsilon members. However, over time the criteria has expanded to include any applicant who is sponsored by an Iota Chi Upsilon member. If, in any given year, there are not enough applicants to satisfy the first two criteria, John Carroll admissions, in collaboration with the scholarship Board, has the opportunity to direct the remaining scholarship funds, available in that academic year, to other prospective students. The board also reserves the right to roll any excess funds in a given year back into the principal balance of the Scholarship Fund.
The JCU admissions application asks each applicant if they are an IXY legacy candidate or sponsored by an IXY. The Brotherhood invites each member to encourage our extended family and friends to attend John Carroll University and to apply for this prestigious scholarship award.
Once a recipient is awarded an IXY scholarship, either as a legacy candidate or as an I-Chi sponsored candidate, they are known across campus as I-Chi scholars.

Listed below are some notes from recent I-Chi scholars:
“I was not aware that my grandfather was in a fraternity at John Carroll until early in my junior year of high school. My father told me about the IXY Scholarship during the admission process. I didn’t get a chance to know my grandfather very well, but getting the IXY scholarship is, in my mind, a connection to him that I wouldn’t have had otherwise.”
- David Haas ’17 (grandson of David Haas ’64)
“Receiving the IXY Scholarship is special to me because the fellow scholarship winners and I have the opportunity to carry on the Iota Chi Upsilon tradition. My uncle, George (Jerry) Mackey, was an IXY. In 1969, he was awarded the Beaudry Award. I believe that this award speaks volumes about IXY as a fraternity, as well as all of his brothers.
- Mary McDonnell ’16 (niece of George Mackey ’69)
The IXY’s continue to have a significant impact on John Carroll University, both as alumni leaders and through the work of this important scholarship. We invite you to join the 300+ brothers who have contributed to this scholarship so, together, we can continue to build upon the profound legacy of Iota Chi Upsilon!
For questions regarding the scholarship application process please contact Claudia Wenzel at or 216.397.4270.
For questions regarding making a contribution to the scholarship, please contact Karen Krokowiak at or 216.397.4345.
We honor and recognize the members of Iota Chi Upsilon who have passed away.
- Charles Bartels 1966
- Charles A. Beringer 1975
- Thomas P. Bettendorf 1965
- Tom Brislin 1981
- William Bold 1974*
- Paul A. Boyce 1961
- John A. Breen 1964
- Casimir R. Bukala, S.J. 1954**
- Howard M. Burgh 1970*
- Robert S. Carey 1967*
- William L. Carr 1965
- Gary J. Cassiol 1965
- Michael J. Collins 1964
- William C. Cunningham 1971*
- Robert Michael Durkin 1991
- J. Peter Fegen 1959
- Arthur L. Gleason 1969
- Joseph P. Goch 1970
- Ronald M. Grobelny 1974
- George M. Growney 1960
- David A. Haas 1964
- William R. Harmon 1960
- James J. Kaiser 1960
- David M. Keefe 1960
- John "Rusty" Kernan, 1968
- James M. Kniskern 1992
- Frederick J. Krum 1973
- Martin V. Lindstrom 1972
- Robert J. Lombardi 1980
- James M. Mackey 1971
- James V. Marquard 1966
- David W. Marr 1960
- Robert G. Martin 1959*
- Michael L. Mazzucca 1965
- Robert W. McClenahan 1970
- S. Donald McCullough 1965
- Eugene F. McEnroe 1962*
- Ronald E. McEvoy 1967
- Michael Mitchell 1981
- Richard K. Morgan 1963
- Robert J. Munz 1963
- Jerry B. Murray 1962
- John Naber 1978
- Kevin O'Connor 1967
- James F. Olexa 1987
- Paul Olexa 1982
- Raymond K. Pawlowski 1975
- Paul T. Peebles 1963
- Daniel A. Pietragallo 1973
- Gregg M. Pill 1977
- Peter Ponne 1973
- William S. Rainsberger 1976
- John Reali 1958 **
- Robert Rees 1978
- David J. Reuter 1964
- J. David Ross 1959
- John D. Smith 1962
- Donald L. Springer 1959
- Robert J. Steele 1985
- William J. Stowe 1963
- Frank R. Tesch 1956
- Michael L. Tracy 1959
- Robert P. Trauten 1969
- Craig M. Vecchiola 1973
- Louis P. Vitullo 1966
- Donald L. Vondriska 1974
- John P. Walker 1963
* Denotes former president of IXY
**Denotes Honorary IXY Member Note: The list above are all members of IXY who have passed away that are listed within the John Carroll University database. When available, links to obituaries are provided.
Dave Robinson '74 - Board President
Charles Wagner '83 - Board Secretary
Bill Bolton '82
John Dempsey '84
Paul Goodworth '80
Pat Herald '69
Nick Iarussi '81
John Mastrantoni '80
Mike Schmidt '81
Dave Short '81