Community Meetings are a direct response to internal and external events that impact the student experience at JCU, especially students from historically marginalized backgrounds. At these meetings, student leaders and CSDI create a dynamic space to engage in current issues while also exploring action items that are then shared with the senior leadership team in the Division of Student Affairs. Community Meetings are open to students, staff, and faculty of all backgrounds.
Past Community Meetings
June 3, 2020 | Black Lives Matter | 5 p.m. | Virtual | Meeting Agenda | Community Brainstorm
September 11, 2019 | Drag Show Cancellation Fall 2019 | 8 p.m.| CSDI Lounge | Meeting Agenda | Community Brainstorm
October 22, 2018 | Impact of Speech on Campus | 4 p.m. | CSDI Lounge | Meeting Agenda | Community Brainstorm
February 7, 2018 | Inclusive Excellence Strategic Planning| 5:30 p.m. | CSDI Lounge | Meeting Agenda
September 12, 2017 | DACA | 5:30 p.m. | CSDI Lounge | Meeting Agenda | Community Brainstorm
December 9, 2016 | Campus Diversity | 2 p.m. | Marinello Little Theatre
March 18, 2016 | World Around You & Current Cultural Organizations | 12:30 p.m. | CSDI
December 1, 2015 | Beirut, Paris, & Islamophobia | 4 p.m. | CSDI Lounge | Community Brainstorm
February 12, 2015 | Chapel Hill Shooting & Islamophobia | 5:30 p.m. | O’Malley Basement
November 25, 2014 | Decision on Ferguson | 12:30 p.m. | CSDI Lounge | Community Brainstorm
The program is currently on pause for the 2021 - 2022 school year.
What wisdom would you try and impart to the world if you knew it was your last chance? Join us for the Last Lecture series where we will engage a diverse group of campus faculty and staff to answer that very important question. Past Lecturers:
- Chris Wenzler
- Zeki Saritoprak, Ph.D.
- Angie Canda, Ph.D.
- Michael Johnson, Ph.D.
- Amy Wainwright
- Jeanne Colleran, Ph.D.
- Andy Welki, Ph.D.
- Daniel Palmer, Ph.D.
- Chai Yuh-Cherng, Ph.D.
- Susan Long, Ph.D.
- Phil Metres, Ph.D.
- Rebecca Drenovsky, Ph.D.
- Priscilla Drake
This program celebrates and recognizes the accomplishments of our LGBTQIA+ and ally students graduating from JCU with a lavender cord. Additionally, the program recognizes community partners' outstanding contributions to making JCU an inclusive space for LGBTQIA+ students.
Since 2012, the LGBTQ+ panel has been a program featuring current JCU students, staff, and faculty sharing their campus experience as LGBTQ+ persons. The session is moderated by CSDI Staff and the program can be tailored to one or one-and-a-half-hour sessions. To request a panel please contact
The LGBTQ+ Student Panel will:
- Establish commonalities between panelist and audience members.
- Stimulate questions from audience members.
Audience members at the LGBTQ+ Student Panel will:
- Differentiate their understanding of biological sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender identity expression, romantic attraction, and sexual attraction.
- Propose questions related to biological sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender identity expression, romantic attraction, and sexual attraction in a classroom setting.
Speakers in the LGBTQ+ Panel will:
- Author a personal vignette detailing their identity development related their sexual orientation, gender identity, gender identity expression, race, socio-economic class, ethnicity, nationality, spirituality, etc.
- Express their understanding and experience with biological sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender identity expression, romantic attraction, and sexual attraction in a classroom setting through dialogue with audience members.
Since 2012, the Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion has provided the campus with an annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Speaker.
2024: Cheryl Brown-Henderson ” Brown v. The Board of Education: The Legacy Continues”
2023: Voices of Inclusion Black History Month keynote speaker, Keith Beauchamp, filmmaker of the poignant movie, Till and a Maltz Museum Visit
2022: From Labs to Literature: An exploration of Purpose, Identity, and Passion with Nicola Yoon " Author of books Everything, Everything, and The Sun is Also a Star
2021: Mr. Delanté Thomas, Esq.: Examining the Legacy of Slavery Through the Lenses of Sports After 400 Years of Skirmishes
- Community Hangout: African American Read-In featuring Poet Laureate of Cuyahoga County Honey Bell-Bey and author Chelbi Graham '19
2020: Nic Stone "Get LIT!" the author of "Dear Martin"
2019: Samaria Rice. "An Evening with Samaria Rice- Mother of Tamir Rice"
2018: Day of Discovery Across Northeast Ohio:
- Excursion 1: Discovery Day @ University Circle
- Excursion 2: Hear Our Voices @ Maltz Museum
- Excursion 3: Rock& Roll and the Civil Rights Movement @ Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame
- Excursion 4: On-Campus Film Screening of "Not Just A Game" (2010)
2017: Bishop Edward K. Braxton. "On the Racial Divide in the United States"
2016: Arun Gandhi. "Lessons Learned from my Grandfather: Nonviolence in a Violent World"
2015: W. Kamau Bell. "Ending Racism in About an Hour"
2014: Stefan Bradley, Ph.D. "African American Youth Movements in the 20th Century"
2013: Roy L. Brooks, Ph.D. "Racial Justice in the Time of Obama"
2012: Diane Nash. "Looking at Our Past, Examining Our Present, Creating Our Future”
Mosaic Overnights are part of our Mosaic series of events hosted in conjunction with our Division of Student Experience and Campus Belonging and the Office of Admission. These events are designed to recognize, celebrate, and create a space for students of all backgrounds. Admitted students are invited to join us and discover how the JCU community fosters a sense of belonging for everyone who sets foot on our campus. Learn More:
This event is designed to recognize multicultural students and allies who are: graduating seniors, cultural student leaders, students on the Dean’s List, and students with a 3.0+ GPA. Participation is by invitation only.
National Coming Out Day is an annual LGBTQ+ awareness day observed on October 11 to support anyone "coming out of the closet". Each year, CSDI hosts an annual program in the student center to bring awareness and support to our community at JCU.

11th Annual Multicultural Recognition Program Friday, May 19, 2023: Save the Date